Monday, January 17, 2011

A Millenial Student without a blog????

I know its shocking....a millenial student who doesn't have a blog. Well, no longer!  As part of my DUT class I am making the bold leap into the world of blogs.  I have to admit I had a hard time naming this blog.  Most of the names I came up with were either entirely too geeky or would have taken the whole day just to type in the url.  So I settled for "I informed you thusly".  I got this gem of a phrase from my favorite science show, "The Big Bang Theory" and it is compliments of the oh-so-lovable Sheldon Cooper.  Apparently this is his alternative to the over-used "I told you so". 

So in case you can't tell from that, I am a lowly biology graduate student, immersing myself in the world of marine biology and loving every minute of it (I give you fair warning now that I may break into periods of science geeky-ness throughout this blog!).


  1. I'm lovin' your blog Emily and join you in your Sheldon affection. If you haven't seen his call-to-action video for cancer "Up2 You + Me" ( it's a must-see. He plays 30 parts in the 3-minute video!
    As you can see, I am now following you, and looking forward to your journey.

  2. Yes I did see it! He was amazing! He also did a spot on Sesame Street about the word Arachnid....its pretty funny too. It's (
