Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 5: RSS

RSS: Really Simple Stuff

'Keeping up to date in the least amount of time' seems to be the key to RSS.  For those of you (like me) who had no idea what that little orange symbol even meant, here is a crash course.  

RSS is a tool that collects new updates from all of your favourite sites and loads them into one page for easy and quick viewing.  

According to Common Craft’s “RSS Feeds in Plain English” to get started with RSS you:
  1. Sign up for  a reader (e.g. Google Reader)
  2. Set up connections between your reader and your favourite websites (this is called subscribing and is where those orange symbols come into play)
  3. Prepare to be addicted

"RSS is like a TIVO for your computer."
From Jen Wagner's Thoughts from a Technospud blog

But how can I use RSS in education?
  • RSS would be good to use to receive updates from student blogs, wikis or Flickr.  
  • Instead of having to visit 100 students blogs to see if they have posted anything new, I can simply add their blogs to my RSS feed and check that for any updates.  

Beyond that I'm sorry to say I can't see much more use for RSS.  It seems to be just what it was set up to be: A Really Simple Solution to saving time. 

One caution: this has the potential to be really addicting.  My plan is to limit RSS to those sites that will be most beneficial (so I won't be adding Facebook or Kijiji to my RSS feed!). 

Cartoon from Dave Walker of We Blog Cartoons

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