Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 3: Twitter

Sheldon: "Tweet that tweetie bird."

I just had to start out with a Sheldon Cooper quote (it was too perfect)! So this week the web 2.0 tool was Twitter.  I have to admit, I was a HUGE Twitter skeptic prior to reading some of the articles out there about using Twitter in university teaching.  I had no idea all that you can do with a simple tweet!  Rather than go into crazy detail (I'll save that for my Learning Portfolio), I figured I'd give you a list of some of the ways I hope to incorporate Twitter into my teaching arsenal:

  1. To receive feedback on a video: This would allow students to comment in real time as well as ask questions that they may forget by the end of the film
  2. Allow students to ask questions in a less intimidating environment: Especially in large classes, it can be hard for students to pose their questions clearly (or at all) with everyone staring at them.  With Twitter they can simply tweet it using a hash tag (e.g. #Biol4444) and I can pose it to the class or answer it directly myself.
  3. Use Twitter instead of expensive clickers: Clickers are handheld devices that allow students to enter in their answers to get a quick poll of the classes opinion.  Twitter could be used in lieu of purchasing these clickers (it just may take some quick counting on the instructors part).  This would be perfect for some immediate feedback on the level of understanding on the topic. 
I found some great articles on the use of Twitter in the classroom.  One of my favorites was by Gavan Watson "Reflections on my first use of twitter in the classroom". 

I'm going to have to play around with Twitter a bit, but I'm excited to see what I can do with it in my teaching.  If used well, I think it will make a great tool!  If you'd like to follow me on twitter my address is @Off_In_DataLand

From Flickr user: dmixo6


  1. Great ideas for twitter in the classroom Emily. I tried finding you on twitter but failed even though you've given your twitter name. Can you 'follow me' SJJudy just so I an find you. Feel free to unfollow me after that - I won't be crushed.

    PS Do you suppose the real Sheldon (under the alias of Jim Parsons) is a twitter-er!

  2. Ok Judy, I'm now following you. And that would be amazing to follow the real Sheldon! :D
